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Thursday 27 March 2014


Thursday 27 March 2014 - by Unknown · - 0 Comments

1. We Respond to Praise It’s believed that men are so consumed by our libido that we have no self-consciousness surrounding sex. But men are no different from women when it comes to compliments as catalysts for sexual confidence. This praise can be delivered before reaching the bedroom (give us the once-over and tell us how buff we look), and after (give us the once-over and tell us how buff we look naked). Along those lines, men worry about the size of their guts (and other measurable organs), their hair (or lack thereof) and other attributes. Try to be extra affirming about those sensitivities. 2. We Fear Intimacy… …but not for the reason you think! Studies have shown that boys are more affectionate, even more expressive, than girls until they reach school age. At that time, social repression begins—of words, thoughts, feelings—and our desire for human connection goes underground. So taboo is this desire for intimacy that its possibility can terrify men—not because it’s smothering, but because we realize how desperate we are for it. What’s a woman to do? First, understand that your guy’s hasty retreat post-sex may be about his own shock at how much he craves a connection with you (and how much he’s denied it in life). Then, retreat a little yourself. This gives him time to see that his boyhood habits are, in fact, perfectly manly. 3. We Appreciate Sex for Sex’s Sake Having said that about intimacy, sometimes a little “throw-me-down sex” is the right medicine. According to Joe Kort, PhD, a psychotherapist and sexologist, “Men want their wives to enjoy raw sex, not just endure it or take it personally. For men, it’s not about dominating a woman, but ravishing her.” On occasion, try letting him ravish you. 4. We Are Not Just Our… The penis gets all the press, but men have “many erogenous zones,” says psychologist Melodie Schaefer, PsyD. “Men tend not to correct women because they’re afraid women will shut down and not touch them at all. But there are many places a woman should touch.” Like the chest, the inner thighs and face. Two other key areas: Gently gripping a man’s testicles can be a real turn-on, as it blends control with release. Also, stimulating the perineum, the area between the scrotum and anus, will heighten pleasure during oral sex. 5. We Encourage Fantasies “Men want to share their fantasies but worry their wives will shame or judge them,” says Dr. Kort. Similarly, Dr. Schaefer reports that men wish women would reveal their imaginings. Want to open yourself to these possibilities? Try making a game of it. First, and most important, promise not to judge the other; then, privately write out scenarios that have tantalized you and place them in a box. When you are next intimate, pull one out. If you’re both comfortable, give it a shot. If not, Dr. Kort recommends asking the author a key question: What about this fantasy do you like? Sometimes, its themes can be addressed in different, more comfortable scenarios. 6. We Like It When You Talk Talking during sex stimulates more than our ears. What kind of talk? Dirty, praising and instructive are great starts. As amusing as it may sound, a woman’s words can make a guy feel as potent and virile as a Roman gladiator, even if he’s a suburban banker. 7. We Need Your Honesty Sex can solve the stresses of a relationship, but it’s often where the stresses show up. If we complain about a lack of sex (or your doing certain things only on our birthday), we may be overlooking serious issues that underpin such withholding. We need you to enlighten us. The male ego is often tied to sex, so it’s easy for us to dismiss bedroom problems as female disinterest rather than issues we have a part in. Avoiding these problems, however, only perpetuates your feeling unseen and our frustration. 8. We Enjoy the Dance Men like a good quest; unfortunately, these days, there are so few. But romance earns that distinction. Allow us to court you; make us deserve your desire. Dr. Kort makes an additional point: “Emotional intimacy is about closeness, but sustaining sexual desire demands a certain amount of distance.” How do couples strike this tricky balance? By allowing each partner to have what he calls “separate sexuality”: a sexual life that doesn’t include, but doesn’t betray, the other. “For him, that might mean allowing his wife to use toys or letting other men look at her; for her, it might be permitting him to watch pornography in order to experience a fantasy.” Such indulgences help maintain the balance of desire and devotion for both parties. 9. We Can Explain Pornography Finding a spouse using pornography is a top reason couples seek counsel, says Dr. Kort, but it shouldn’t be overreacted to or pathologized. A few things to clear up: 1. Sex addicts represent only 4 percent of the population, so it’s unlikely your man is one. 2. Because childhood experiences influence sexuality as an adult, people are very idiosyncratic about what turns them on. In other words, says Dr. Kort, “no woman can, nor should she, be everything to a man.” Still, the question remains: How does a woman not take pornography personally? First, determine if your mate is compulsive, or can only have sex, with pornography. If so, you may want to seek counseling. If not, Dr. Kort recommends taking the secrecy out of pornography by discussing it. Use the lens of “what about it turns him on versus what turns you off.” That way, a dialogue is created that allows for honesty, dignity and closeness. 10. We Always Need It, But Not for the Reason You Think Men are accused of being sexually insatiable, but women should rethink this. “Men see sex as a celebration,” says Dr. Schaefer. “They wish women would take more of a ‘carpe diem’ approach to it. We move through life at the speed of sound, with multiplying challenges and pressures. It’s easy to allow demands on our time and energy to rob us of the joy, pleasure and opportunity that sex affords us. On the long list of priorities, it should not be on the bottom rung.” If that doesn’t make you want to “seize the day” (or something else), consider the health benefits: Orgasms release oxytocin, which has been called the “bonding hormone,” bringing couples closer together while it alleviates anxiety and stress, reduces blood pressure and promotes healing.

Friday 14 March 2014


Friday 14 March 2014 - by Unknown · - 0 Comments

Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg shared harsh words for United States President Barack Obama on Thursday amid ongoing complaints from the tech community about the administration’s role with regards to the internet. RT NEWS reported ..Just one day after newly published National Security Agency documents revealed that the US intelligence community has masqueraded as Facebook in order to carry out attacks against targets, Zuckerberg posted a plea on his social networking site advocating Pres. Obama to be more open about the White House’s role in influencing and encouraging policy changes pertaining to the internet, as well as the government’s covert surveillance tactics that have caused concerns to be raised in recent months about the security of the world’s wired computers. “As the world becomes more complex and governments everywhere struggle, trust in the internet is more important today than ever,” the 29-year-old Facebook CEO said Thursday afternoon. “The internet is our shared space. It helps us connect. It spreads opportunity. It enables us to learn. It gives us a voice. It makes us stronger and safer together.” “This is why I've been so confused and frustrated by the repeated reports of the behavior of the US government. When our engineers work tirelessly to improve security, we imagine we're protecting you against criminals, not our own government,” Zuckerberg continued, adding that “The US government should be the champion for the internet, not a threat.” The government, Zuckerberg said, needs to be “much more transparent about what they're doing, or otherwise people will believe the worst.” The Facebook founder’s remarks come in the midst of ongoing reports stemming from leaked national security documents that have disclosed evidence of the US government’s efforts to covertly collect digital intelligence by means that many have said are subverting the very infrastructure of the internet. One of those latest reports, in fact, suggest that the US National Security Agency, or NSA, has adopted plans that put the spy office on track to infecting millions of computers around the globe with malware for the sake of collecting information. As opposed to more targeted operations, however, leaked documents allege that the NSA is making adjustments to keep make this data collection far more systematic, and as a result are infecting machines with a modicum of human oversight. “When they deploy malware on systems,”malware expert Mikko Hypponen told The Intercept for their NSA report this week,“they potentially create new vulnerabilities in these systems, making them more vulnerable for attacks by third parties.” According to The Intercept, the NSA spoofed Facebook’s computer servers in order to trick users of the social media site into installing malicious programs that were then used to monitor their activity. “I've called President Obama to express my frustration over the damage the government is creating for all of our future,” Zuckerberg said in his statement on Thursday. “Unfortunately, it seems like it will take a very long time for true full reform.” Just one day earlier, Tim Berners-Lee, one of the “founders of the world wide web,” called for the creation of an internet bill of rights to preserve digital freedoms on the twenty-fifth birthday of the monumental project he was instrumental in creating. Berneres-Lee told the UK’s Guardian newspaper that “Our rights are being infringed more and more on every side”as governments encroach further on digital liberties, and issued a call “to take the web back into our own hands and define the web we want for the next 25 years.” "The removal of the explicit link to the US department of commerce is long overdue,”Berners-Lee added.“The US can't have a global place in the running of something which is so non-national.”SOURCE RT NEWS


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Wednesday 12 March 2014

DO YOU BELIEVE THIS formula for love 1st date=p3nis+pulse=one night stand 'find others and DISCOVER FORMULA

Wednesday 12 March 2014 - by Unknown · - 0 Comments

Is there a formula for lasting love?

According theTELEGRAPH.The formula for the perfect first date is; Candlelit dinner + kissing = a call back. The perfect relationship? Timing + communication x mutual attraction – emotional baggage = intimacy. Penis + pulse = One night stand. Relationships seem simple when you put them like that. And yet we've all had those romances where the sums seem to add up, where the right boxes were ticked and the scores were even... but somehow it doesn't add up to love. Love is frustrating, elusive, intangible. It starts in that sweet spot between intimacy and excitement which is impossible to manufacture and tiring to maintain. Can the algorithms of online dating sites or indeed the long odds of stumbling upon your perfect partner down the local pub ever predict where, when or for how long cupid will strike? Whilst science has not yet manufactured the perfect partner, mathematicians are claiming to have found the formula that predicts how long love will last. Research commissioned by MSN has revealed a new love equation that determines the key ingredients to a successful, long-lasting relationship – with factors such as a good sense of humor ranking in importance alongside a person's number of previous sexual partners. According to the 2,000 males and females surveyed, 25 per cent of both men and women believe their partner should have had four sexual partners before them (with one in five men clinging to the traditional belief that they should be their ideal woman’s “first”). The survey also found that men prioritize looks over intelligence and are twice as likely as women to believe that good sex is important for a happy, enduring relationship. The biggest surprise for me was that the number one trait we're all apparently after is wit. So there you go, it's not sex-appeal but sparkling banter that'll make you a hit with the opposite sex. It is claimed that the resulting formula (L = 8 + .5Y - .2P + .9Hm + .3Mf + J - .3G - .5(Sm - Sf)2 + I + 1.5C - see key below) can determine how long a potential or current relationship can be expected to last. Does it really work? I decided to test the hypothesis through extremely scientific means (in other words, by broadcasting to the world, via Twitter, that I am single and ready to mingle in a mathematically-approved fashion). I applied the formula to various unsuspecting male friends and volunteers over the course of an afternoon, and eventually found a man with whom love would apparently last 12.9 years. Only trouble is... I don't fancy him. And despite the 12.9 happy years I could offer him, he doesn't particularly fancy giving it a go either. That's science for you. Back to the drawing board. The formula explained: L = 8 + .5Y - .2P + .9Hm + .3Mf + J - .3G - .5(Sm - Sf)2 + I + 1.5C L: The predicted length in years of the relationship Y: The number of years the two people knew each other before the relationship became serious P: The number of previous partners of both people added together Hm: The importance the male partner attaches to honesty in the relationship Mf : The importance the female attaches to money in the relationship J: The importance both attach to humor (added together) G: The importance both attach to good looks (added together) Sm and Sf = The importance male and female attach to sex I = The importance attached to having good in-laws (added together) C= The importance attached to children in the relationship (added together) Note: All 'importance' measures can be scaled from 1 to 5 where 1 is not important at all and 5 is very important. Research findings for same sex couples differed slightly from heterosexual couples and so the formula changes slightly in light of this to L = 8 + .5Y - .2P + 2J - .3G - .5(S1 - S2)2 - I + 1.5C (where S1 and S2 are the two partner’s ratings for the importance of sex).


- by Unknown · - 0 Comments

Moment of thinking... These are few questions asked in HR interview! The answers are really stunning and inspiring. Thinking out of the box! A must read… Question 1: You are driving along in your car on a wild, stormy night, it's raining heavily, when suddenly you pass by a bus stop, and you see three people waiting for a bus: * An old lady who looks as if she is about to die. * An old friend who once saved your life. * The perfect partner you have been dreaming about. Which one would you choose to offer a ride to, knowing very well that there could only be one passenger in your car? This is a moral/ethical dilemma that was once actually used as part of a job application. He simply answered: "I would give the car keys to my Old friend and let him take the lady to the hospital. I would stay behind and wait for the bus with the partner of my dreams." Sometimes, we gain more if we are able to give up our stubborn thought limitations. Never forget to "Think Outside of the Box." Question 2: What will you do if I run away with your sister? The candidate who was selected answered " I will not get a better match for my sister than you sir" Question 3: Interviewer (to a student girl candidate) – What is one morning you woke up & found that you were pregnant. Girl – I will be very excited and take an off, to celebrate with my husband. Normally an unmarried girl will be shocked to hear this, but she managed it well. Why I should think it in the wrong way, she said later when asked. Question 4: Interviewer: He ordered a cup of coffee for the candidate. Coffee arrived kept before the candidate, then he asked what is before you? Candidate: Instantly replied "Tea" He got selected. You know how and why did he say "TEA" when he knows very well that coffee was kept before. (Answer: The question was "What is before you (U – alphabet) Reply was "TEA" ( T – alphabet) Alphabet "T" was before Alphabet "U" Question5; Interviewer said "I shall either ask you ten easy questions or one really difficult question. Think well before you make up your mind!" The boy thought for a while and said, "my choice is one really difficult question." "Well, good luck to you, you have made your own choice! Now tell me this. "What comes first, Day or Night?" The boy was jolted into reality as his admission depends on the correctness of his answer, but he thought for a while and said, "It's the DAY sir!" "How" the interviewer asked, "Sorry sir, you promised me that you will not ask me a SECOND difficult question!" ___ Sometimes just thinking out of the box is all it takes! Share with your friend and give them a special moment of thinking…!!


- by Unknown · - 0 Comments

Guys, do you feel she is cheating on you or probably your attitude or your sexual weakness is driving her to the arms of another man.

A new poll has shed light on why women look for love and passion outside their marriages, asserting that wearing socks and talking dirty during sex are two of the many reasons., a site that urges infidelity, surveyed 4000 women about their partner’s bad habits that turn them off. The findings showed that little things like stealing the sheets at night, and pleasuring himself over her were among the top reasons why women cheat. According to the site: “Little things like stealing her covers, keeping his socks on while making love, or checking the dreadful smartphone,” are all ungentlemanly gestures that turn women off. A lack of creativity between the sheets, skipping foreplay also using dirty talk also featured on the list. “When you’re busy talking dirty, your partner often thinks your mind is more on that porn movie fantasy than on what is happening between you two in the moment.” Also, checking the smartphone in the bed again and again, lack of foreplay and creativity between the sheets also featured in the results.


- by Unknown · - 0 Comments

1. Don't be in a hurry to move out of your parents house. 2. Don't wait for a man before you start living. You can live a fulfilled life as a single woman. 3. Stay away from alcohol. It has killed others and you are not special. 4. Don't entertain a wrong number call, especially at night. Its not the right way to find a lover. 5. Develop a healthy eating habit. Always take breakfast and avoid sweets. 6. Dress well: Impression count. People will judge you by the way you dress even before they talk to you. 7. Don't use sex as proof of love. Sex is no proof of love, he'll leave you after the sex .8. Don't marry for the money, else you'll become one of his possessions. 9. Add value to yourself - get a career. Don't be fooled that a man will solve all your problems. 10. Beauty is not everything. If it is all you have, you'll lose your place to someone beautiful, better more matured and competent than you.

PRESIDENT UHURU takes on NSSF mismanagement of funds

- by Unknown · - 0 Comments

President Kenyatta's take on NSSF during the ‪‎Wage Bill Debate‬

" Imagine today we sit with an NSSF that has been collecting money and docking every single employee saying that we are doing it for their saving of tomorrow. Imagine today instead of investing in quarries, investing in the Stock Exchange that has no meaning to the mwananchi who is the one who is contributing. Imagine today if NSSF coz they tell us today they are looking for the highest savings, the highest return for the sake of the person contributing, but are they actually looking to see how that person contributing is living today? As a result of them looking for these high returns, they are forcing that person to pay rent that is completely unaffordable. They are making it impossible for that man to ever own a home for him and his family. They are making it impossible for that person to save even in alternative ways. Doesn't it not make much more sense ladies and gentlemen, if we were to say that an organization like that should be investing today to make available cheap loans to the watchman, to the factory worker, so that at least he is able to own a home today, while at the same time expecting something in his retirement? na at least akienda retire ako na nyumba ya kuishi."


- by Unknown · - 0 Comments

NAIROBI, Kenya, Mar 12 – Capitalfm reports .The Court of Appeal has nullified the March 4, 2013 election of Peter Munya as Meru Governor. Munya, who previously served as a Member of Parliament, immediately indicated that he would be petitioning the Supreme Court following the nullification of his poll win. The petition was filed by a voter, Dickson Mwenda. Mwenda moved to the Court of Appeal arguing that the High Court erred when it ordered a scrutiny of ballot papers in only seven polling stations out of the disputed 82. He also claimed the court denied him a chance to cross-examine the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission and the Meru Returning Officer on the contents of defective Forms 35 and Forms 36. Munya was declared the winner after he garnered 184,273 votes against former assistant minister Kilemi Mwiria’s 180,837 votes.

Tuesday 11 March 2014


Tuesday 11 March 2014 - by Unknown · - 0 Comments

Young teenagers caught on camera misbehaving ...scenes from the long lost generation


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