Wednesday, 15 January 2014
Wednesday, 15 January 2014
In a desperate attempt to gain more twitter followers on twitter many people revert to spamming which is unethical to your twitter handle reputation
Many tweeps with “follower envy” end up using automated “follower exchange” networks to build a following of people who really don’t care what they have to say, or use outsourcers on Fiverr and suchlike to build a following largely consisting of bots and hacked accounts. The important thing to remember with regards to Twitter is that not only is it about volume of followers but also the quality of those followers. A handful of “true fans” that really care about what you have to say, interact with you and take action on your tweets is far better than thousands of followers who couldn’t care less who you are and what you say. So how do you get more Twitter followers free using legitimate, non-spammy means? Luckily, as you may have guessed from the title, that’s exactly what we’re about to cover. In essence though they all come down to two main points which are worth bearing in mind at all times: 1) Make your Twitter account highly visible to people that will be interested in your tweets 2) Offer exceptional value so that others will want to receive your tweets If that sounds a little over-simplistic for you, let’s dive a little deeper into 36 free ways you can effortlessly get more Twitter followers free… how to get more Twitter followers free Get More Twitter Followers Free By Networking Twitter is, at it’s core, a communication tool. That means that networking is an essential part of the Twitter experience. It not only enriches your own online activities but also serves as a powerful way to build your follower base. Here are a sample of tools and tips to help you “get involved” and get more followers to boot: 1) Follow Others Use tools like Twitter search, Twitter recommendations, FollowerWonk and Klout to find other people in your niche worth following. By following others you’ll not only find that some of them follow you back but it’s also the first step in getting involved in the conversations. 2) Engage Once you’ve started following interesting people in your niche, take some time each day to read your feed and respond to relevant tweets. You can also initiate conversations using the @ tag to ask questions, make observations or comment on a tweeps latest blog post. Engaging others helps show that you’re a real person rather than a bot (of which there are many on Twitter) and also helps you to more attract more Twitter followers free. 3) Retweet Find a tweet in your stream that you like the look of? Share the love by retweeting it to your own followers. Doing so not only adds value to your own Twitter account but helps to put you on the radar of the originating tweeter thus potentially building your network and building recipricity within your niche. 4) Easy Reweet One handy tool for retweeting interesting tweets is Easy Retweet. Every time you retweet something on the site you’ll earn points. Then, next time you publish a new blog post and tweet about it, you can feature your tweet on Easy Retweet and use those points to have other people retweet your message. Doing so not only helps those retweeters discover your Twitter account and blog but spreads the message of your blog much further than you could do on your own. More visibility + value = more followers. 5) Just Retweet It Just Retweet offers a similar service to Easy Retweet but is focused almost exclusively on the online marketing/ecommerce niche so will be of less use if you’re blogging and tweeting about mountain bikes, reptiles or home Once again though you’ll have the opportunity to share great content with your followers while building points that you can use to increase the spread of your own content across the Twitter platiform 6) Join A Tribe Triberr enables anyone on Twitter to join a tribe of other like-minded tweeps. If you can’t find anything suitable you can even start your own tribe (as I have) and then recruit other people into it. As a member of a tribe you’ll get a feed of all the latest blog posts that your tribe has published and you can send out a tweet to your followers about it with the click of a button. Some of the tribes have a huge reach so by networking with other people who are already successful on Twitter you’ll have your content – and Twitter account – put infront of a whole new audience. In doing so it’s possible to pick up loads more Twitter followers free who like what you’re saying. 7) Join A Twibe If Triberr is all about amplifying your message so that it gets sent out to a range of Twitter accounts then Twibes is all about a group of people discussing a specific topic. If you can find some Twibes that are closely related to your niche topic then it’s a great opportunity to get your account noticed, engage some passionate tweeps in some interesting discussion and, hopefully, build your following along the way. 8) Twitter Chats Along the same lines, organized Twitter chats ensure that you’re not just sending out your tweets into cyberspace where they sit unloved and unread. Instead, Twitter chats bring together groups of people on Twitter rather like Twiber making it a fantastic way to get more Twitter followers free. Use sites like TweetChat or a simple Google search (my niche + “twitter chat”) to find existing Twitter chats and get involved. 9) Answer Questions If you’re creating amazing content to publish on your website then here’s a great way to not only drive extra traffic to your site but also position yourself as an expert and build your Twitter followers alongside. InboxQ is a free service that will search Twitter for questions that other people have asked based on keywords that you enter. It’ll save these keywords in the form of a campaign and if you install their browser add-ons they’ll keep a constant eye on Twitter and alert you when they find anyone with questions relating to your website. You can then either answer their question directly or provide a link to a useful article on your site. 10) Thank Your Sharers If someone shares your latest blog post with their followers then they’ve shown that they’re interested in your content. Engaging these people can be a great way to build a network on Twitter and encourage future shares. Backtweets is a useful free tool for finding people who have tweeted out a link to your latest blog post. Once you find some sharers, consider following them and also sending them a personal message thanking them for sharing your content. Not only might they then follow you themselves but they’ll also be more likely to retweet your content in the future leading to more Twitter followers free. 11) Follow Your Commenters We all know how tough it can be to build up a regular readership at your blog and encourage comments. Fortunately those people who do take the time to comment on your site are highly engaged so following them and interacting with them on Twitter can be a very smart idea. If you’re using WordPress as a content management system then the free Meet Your Commenters plugin will try to pull the social profiles of anyone who leaves a comment on your blog. Then, simply follow and interact. Offer Value There is no point in trying to get more Twitter followers if you’re really not tweeting anything of value. If you do so, your promotion will be far less effective due to the number of un-follows that you’ll get. But offering value in your tweets isn’t just about keeping your existing followers happy. When you offer real value in your tweets you also significantly increase the chances of your updates being retweeted or quoted on other blogs – and both of these aspects can further increase your follower count. Here are a few simple ideas to create valuable tweets that your followers will enjoy: 12) Create An Online Newspaper offers the opportunity to create an attractive online newspaper focused on your niche. You simply choose specific keywords, Facebook pages and Twitter accounts that you’d like to include and each day your newspaper is updated with the latest content from around the web. These online newspapers can make a great “starting point” for people interested in your topic. Furthermore, when tweets from other people are included in your newspaper they’ll be notified on Twitter that you’re featuring them – encouraging them to take a closer look at your work and, we hope, get you more Twitter followers free. 13) Use Hot Hashtags Hashtags operate on Twitter as a way to “organize” and search for tweets. Think of them as keywords in the search engines or tags on your blog. The fact is though that when a new hashtag appears on Twitter it can often go viral very quickly, and by using relevant trending hashtags you’ll help a whole new audience discover your Twitter account. Sites like Trending Hashtags or your good old-fashioned plain old Twitter account can be great resources for finding “hot” hashtags to try and include in your tweets. 14) Tweet Old Content If you’re a WordPress blogger then the Tweet Old Post plugin can automatically select one of your blog posts at random and then publish the link in your Twitter stream. Assuming your blog posts offer genuine value and you’re not over-using the plugin and thus deluging your followers with messages then the plugin can help your followers find useful content. Not only can this simple “one time set-up” process increase traffic to your blog (thanks to clicks on your links) but if you include relevant hashtags these tweets can be found by non-followers. I have personally seen significant increases in Twitter followers as a result of people finding these tweets and deciding to start following me when they like what they see. 15) Track Your Clicks How do you know what tweets your followers enjoy? Clearly if more valuable tweets are more likely to be shared, thus increasing your Twitter followers, then it makes sense to find out. A range of Twitter analytics tools such as TweetStats will help you uncover the tweets that do best or for an ultra-simple solution consider using a link-shortener like that will show you how many people actually click the links that you tweet to your followers. By analyzing the tweets that get the best response you’ll be able to focus on sharing the most engaging forms of content to your followers and get more Twitter followers free. 16) Use A Feed Reader A great way to find valuable content to share on Twitter is to set up a feed reader like Feedly, then fill it with relevant content. There are two great solutions; add industry-specific blogs and additionally add Google Alerts for specific keywords. While setting this up the first time will take some effort, thereafter you’ll find that you receive a constant stream of interesting, high-quality content. Pick out those content pieces that will be of greatest interest to your followers and get tweeting those resources. 17) Find Popular Tweets Sites like Tweet Meme and Topsy allow you to find tweets that are already popular. Using keywords that relate to your niche you’ll not only be able to get a better idea of what tweets are performing best for your peers but you can also share these top tweets with your followers safe in the knowledge that they’ll probably perform well and help you attract more Twitter followers free. Cross Promote Your Profile It’s unlikely in this day and age that Twitter is the only marketing channel you’re using. You likely have a website, a blog, a Facebook page and so on so use these external sites to cross-promote your profile and encourage as many people as possible to follow you on Twitter. Here are a few ideas to set your mind working: 18) Stream To Facebook It’s easy to add your Twitter updates to Facebook. Assuming you’re posting different content on the two sites then adding your tweets to Facebook shouldn’t over-whelm your fans. Furthermore if you’re offering value in those tweets then you should find that a number of your Facebook fans end up following on Twitter too providing you with yet more Twitter followers free. 19) Follow Me Buttons If you have a website or blog there are a number of ways to add a simple “follow me” button to gently promote your Twitter account. Using a tool such as Twitters official button visitors to your website will be made aware of your Twitter account and can easily start following you with a click of their mouse. If you already have a significant number of Twitter followers consider using one of the buttons that shows your follower count. The social proof of a large following should further help to increase your response rates. 20) Website Widgets Even better than a plain-old button, actually adding your Twitter stream itself to your site can be a smart idea. Why? Because it allows potential followers to actually get a “free sample” of the sort of tweets you send out. It’s therefore far easier for them to make a fair assessment of whether or not they want to follow you. And, if they find you’re posting quality tweets that they’d be happy to receive you’ll find it’s a great – and very easy way – to get more Twitter followers free. Even better, as a widget takes up more space than just a button it should get more attention from your site visitors leading to a higher proportion of your traffic following you. 21) Click To Tweet When you write a new article for your site, consider if there are any handy little nuggets of information that might be suitable for tweeting. Example might include interesting statistics or relevant quotes. In situations where these exist, consider using the Click To Tweet service to make it easy for anyone to tweet out these snippets with the click of a button. If you ensure the tweet that is sent out includes your Twitter name or a link to your blog post then you’ll find a whole new audience will be introduced to your site and your Twitter profile. 22) Tweak Your Social Sharing Buttons Most bloggers use some form of social sharing buttons to enable visitors to share their content on Facebook, Twitter and so on. But one effective tweak to get more Twitter followers is to use a plugin like Tweet This that will allow you to customize the “default” tweet when someone goes to share your article on Twitter. A typical share will involve your post title and a direct link to your article. However adding your Twitter account name into the tweet can help attract more Twitter followers free as it travels alongside your content. 23) Tweet To Pay Consider giving something of value to people who tweet about it. Ebooks, simple software applications or access to a private area of your website are all suitable “bribes” to encourage tweets about your site. Using services like Pay With A Tweet and ensuring your Twitter handle is included in the default tweet can be an easy way to generate more Twitter followers. 24) Start A Twitter Contest Asking your website visitors to pay for a free gift by tweeting about it is one thing – but why not take it to another level by turning your giveaway into a contest? Services like Interactwive will help you run a contest to not just attract more Twitter followers free but also increase the number of shares that your content receives. You can then offer up an additional prize for the “winner” to encourage as many participants as possible. 25) Comment With Your Twitter Account A range of plugins and blog commenting systems will let you include details of your Twitter account when you leave a comment on a post. Take the time to research quality blogs in your niche that allow this so that you can add them to your feed reader and use every comment you make as a way to drive more visitors over to your Twitter profile. 26) Guest Post With Your Twitter Account We all know that guest posting is one of the best ways to build links, traffic and readerhsip for your blog. But if the focus is on building your Twitter followers as much as your blog traffic then consider including a link to your Twitter account in your author bio file. A guest post on a high traffic site can lead to hundreds of new impressions on your profile and help to grab more Twitter followers free. Perfect Your Profile For such a basic site, there are a surprising number of options when it comes to setting up your Twitter profile for success. Follow these best practise rules to ensure that your profile is easy to find and also encourages drive-by visitors to click the all-important “follow” button: 27) Use Keywords use the Twitter search function to find more people to follow. Put some thought into exactly what types of keywords your potential followers will be using and try to weave these into your Twitter bio. I have several different Twitter profiles that have achieved top search rankings as a result of careful keyword choice and as a result these accounts grow on their own every day because every time someone searches for the keywords targeted I pop up at the top of the results. 28) Add A Photo There are a huge number of fake accounts on Twitter that have been set up by spammers. Adding a photo of yourself to your Twitter account sounds too simple to have any real benefit but you’d be mistaken. By allowing people to visualize you as a real person you greatly increase the chances of getting more followers. Furthermore, appreciate that these tiny profile pictures appear in the Twitter search results that potential followers of yours will see. As a result it’s smart to ensure that you have an eye-catching picture so you stand out from the crowd and attract more attention from potential new followers in the search listings. 29) Make A List Twitter lists help you to keep the people you follow neatly organized but searching through other publically accessible Twitter lists is also a great way to quickly find lots of interesting people to follow. By creating a Twitter list, that includes your own account among others, and carefully naming it with keywords in mind you’ll find that you can quickly attract more Twitter followers free. Even better as may of these people will follow the whole list rather than just one individual on it, it’s a great way to reward other tweeps that you enjoy hearing from as you’ll also be helping to build their follower count too. Get Listed In Directories Thanks to Twitter’s own internal algorithms it’s easier than ever to find people worth following. However there are also a range of Twitter directories that list people worth following. Registering with these sites is quick and simple so it’s a worthy investment to get more Twitter followers free. The top directories by traffic numbers right now are #30: We Follow, #31: Tweet Find and #32: Twellow. Tweet Properly A huge amount of research has been done on what makes a tweet “good” – that is tweets that get responses in the form of clicks, retweets, responses and so on. Kudos goes to Derek Halpern of Social Triggers for many of these findings which are summarized below: 33) Time Your Tweets Tweets only have a very short lifespan so if you’re to actively engage with your followers it’s important to tweet when as many as possible are online. Tools like Social Bro and Tweriod allow you to analyze the best possible time to send out tweets, hopefully leading to as many retweets as possible. Furthermore, once you’ve decided on the optimum times, Buffer will enable you to queue up your tweets in advance so that they go out at the perfect time – even if you’re not at your computer. 34) Right Length If a key way to get more Twitter followers is to to encourage retweets then it’s important to consider the length of your tweets. Remember that when someone retweets one of your updates, Twitter will automatically add the text “RT @YourProfile” onto the beginning of the tweet. So, as Twitter offers you a maximum of 140 characters, try to ensure your tweets are short enough to include the “retweet text” at the beginning without going over the 140 character limit. 35) Use Hashtags Hashtags can be thought of as “keywords” that help people – followers or not – to find your tweets through Twitter’s search function. In other words, by ignoring hashtags you’ll make it far harder to get your tweets and profile found. With some of my Twitter accounts all I do is post valuable content and include two or three relevant hashtags and I see my followers grow daily so this really is a powerful strategy. So in short, consider the content of the tweets as you send them out and add a few hashtags. Then keep track of the results you see so that you can gently build up a list of hashtags that perform for you like clockwork and use these “winners” on a consistent basis. 36) Give Credit The last point worthy of mention here relates to crediting others for their content. Are you tweeting a link to someone else’s content? If so, before you send out the tweet see if you can find their Twitter handle and include it in your tweet. Tags: SOCIAL MEDIA NEWS , TECH NEWS , TWITTER NEWS![author](
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